Vietnamese coffee is robusta, a very strong and thick brew coffee which is brewed with a phin filter and sweetened with sweetened condensed milk.  A local restaurant has it on their menu and uses Trung Nguyen Premium blend as their grounds of choice.  This coffee has chocolate mixed in and is pretty strong and tastes delicious!  I ordered it off amazon but you can experiment with different types of coffee.  This company also sells the phin filters needed to prepare this coffee here or you can use an individual coffee drip with filter as shown above.

2-3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons strong coffee grounds  
8oz hot water

If using a phin filter:
Put the sweetened condensed milk in your coffee cup and then place the phin filter cup over top of your mug.  Put the coffee in the filter cup and place the filter lid over top of the coffee.  Pour hot water over to allow a slow drip into your mug.  Stir with sweetened condensed milk and enjoy!

If using the drip coffee shown in photo above:
Put the sweetened condensed milk in your coffee cup and ten place the drip over top of your mug.  Place a coffee filter inside and add coffee grounds.  Pour hot water over the grounds and allow to slowly drip into your mug.  Stir with sweetened condensed milk and enjoy!  
