1 small - medium eggplant
olive oil
garlic salt, optional

Peel and either slice or chop eggplant into chunks.  Place eggplant on a paper towel or in a colander and liberally salt both sides.  (LOTS of salt)  Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

Rince eggplant throughly and pat dry with paper towels.  Spread olive oil all over surface of a baking pan and spread out eggplant.  Drizzle more olive oil on top of eggplant and toss to coat.

Roast eggplant in oven at 425* for 10 minutes.  Use a spatula to flip eggplant and roast for another 15 to 20 minutes.

I sprinkle mine with garlic salt before eating, yum!
